HI GUYS! Here you have a little bit of a class for you to understand the Renaissance. Below I add the transcription. Bye! The Renaissance was an effloresence of arts (primarly visual but also to an extent literary) and ideas in Europe that coincided with the rediscovery of the greek and roman culture. It's easy to see this in terms of visual art, for example: Renaissance tends to feature a focus on the human forms, somwhat idealized, as Roman and especially Greek art had. This means we are also having greek columns and triangular pediments and roman arches and domes… I THINK ITS SAFE TO SAY THAT THIS IS COPYING GREEK AND ROMAN ART. So the people who decided to rediscover “these arts” were called HUMANISTS, which is a bit confusing because it meant that they were concerned about, you know, humans, rather than the religous world…which can lead to the common but totally incorrect assumption that the renaissance writers, painters, sculptors, we...